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Binding Nominations: Make Sure Your Super Passes Into The Right Hands

Your superannuation balance is probably one of your biggest assets – perhaps up there with the family home. It’s therefore vital to plan for how that money will be distributed on your death. Find out how a binding nomination can give you peace of mind that your wishes will be complied with when you’ve passed on.


When you pass away, your superannuation benefits do not automatically form part of your estate. Instead, they’re paid out by the trustee of your superannuation fund. So, what can you do to ensure your super is paid out in accordance with your wishes? For many people, a binding death benefit nomination (BDBN) is an appropriate safeguard to put in place.


How does a BDBN work?

If you don’t make any nomination during your lifetime about how your superannuation benefits should be paid on your death, the trustee has discretion to decide who will receive your benefits and in what form. Under superannuation law, your death benefits can be paid to either, or a combination, of:


-your “legal personal representative” (LPR) – effectively, the executors of your estate (which means those superannuation benefits will then be dealt with by your will); and/or

-one or more of your “dependants” directly, which include your spouse, children (of any age) and anyone with whom you were in an “interdependency relationship”.


Where the trustee decides to pay some benefits directly to a dependant, the trustee can also decide whether to pay your benefits as a lump sum or pension. This is a lot of discretion for the trustee! If you’d prefer to have certainty about how your benefits will be paid, consider making a BDBN.


This is a written direction given to the trustee specifying where your death benefits should be paid (and optionally, in what form). Provided the BDBN is valid and still in effect when you die, the trustee is bound to follow it.


Making a valid BDBN

You should seek expert assistance when preparing a BDBN, especially if you’re an SMSF member. In recent years, legal disputes before the courts (eg between surviving family members) over the terms of BDBNs have highlighted the traps that can arise. Here we outline a few key principles to keep in mind.


First, the trustee can’t follow a BDBN to the extent the payments would breach superannuation law. This means your BDBN can only specify the permitted recipients discussed above (your LPR and/or “dependants”). There are also restrictions on when your children can receive benefits in pension form.


Second, for non-SMSFs, a BDBN must meet various documentation requirements in order to be valid, such as being witnessed correctly by two eligible adult witnesses, among other requirements. For SMSFs, these requirements vary, depending on the particular terms of the SMSF’s deed.


Third, the BDBN must work in harmony with other relevant legal documentation. This includes:

-The fund’s deed (as mentioned above): the terms of SMSF deeds vary greatly. SMSF members must therefore ensure their BDBN is permitted, valid and enforceable under their fund’s deed.

-Pension documentation: if you’re receiving a pension just before your death, any terms of the pension documentation that contradict your BDBN (eg a stipulation that the pension is to revert to a certain beneficiary) may cause confusion and legal uncertainty.

-Your will: if your BDBN directs your benefits to your estate, your will can be tailored to ensure the benefits pass to specific beneficiaries in the most tax-effective manner.


Expiry dates

For non-SMSFs, a BDBN expires after three years. In an SMSF, a BDBN can potentially last indefinitely, but there’s a trap: many SMSF deeds impose a three-year expiry anyway!

In any event, it’s good practice to review your BDBN every few years or whenever a major life change occurs (eg, marriage, divorce or death of a dependant).


Need to make a BDBN?

Contact our office to begin your superannuation succession plan. We’ll help you ensure your wealth passes into the right hands, giving you maximum control and peace of mind.

Hiring Independent Contractors: Do You Need To Pay Super?

Your business may be required to make superannuation contributions for some independent contractors, even if they have an Australian Business Number (ABN). Contractors hired under a contract “principally for labour” are captured – but what does that mean? Find out what test the ATO applies and check whether your business has its super obligations covered.


Hiring independent contractors can be a flexible staffing solution for many businesses, not only to meet fluctuating workloads but also to help fill gaps with specific skills. But did you know that some workers who are genuinely independent contractors are still entitled to compulsory superannuation contributions?


If a worker is not an employee in the general sense but is hired under “a contract that is wholly or principally for the labour of the person”, the worker is deemed an employee for super purposes, even if they have an ABN.


This means the hirer must make superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions of 9.5% (in relation to the part of the contract that is for labour). Hirers can’t meet this obligation simply by paying the worker an additional 9.5% – they must actually make contributions to the worker’s superannuation fund.


So what sort of contracts are captured? The ATO’s view is that a contract is “wholly or principally for labour” when three key requirements are all met.


First, the person must be paid “mainly” for their labour (if not entirely), and the ATO interprets this as “more than half the dollar value” of the contract being for labour. Labour includes not only physical work, but also mental and artistic effort.


The second requirement is that the person is paid for their labour, not to achieve a result. Being paid by the hour suggests the person is paid for their labour. In contrast, when a person is paid a fixed sum for a specific output, this suggests they’re paid for a result.


Third, the person must personally perform the work and must not be able to delegate to someone else. The ATO notes that many contractors are often hired based on their personal skills, qualifications and experience, so many contractors will typically be unable to delegate their work.


What types of work can this affect?

All kinds of workers can be captured. Typical examples might include freelancers such as programmers, editors, graphic designers or administrative support workers who are paid by the hour (not for a specific result) and can’t delegate the work to someone else. Similarly, labourers and other contractors performing physical work could be captured.


The rule can also extend to individuals in sophisticated business structuring arrangements. In a recent decision (Moffet v Dental Corporation Pty Ltd), the Federal Court found that a dentist who had sold his dental practice to a third party and continued to work as a dentist for that practice was an independent contractor, but had been working under a contract “wholly or principally for labour”. The new dental practice owners were therefore required to make minimum SG contributions for him.


The dentist was earning a percentage commission of the fees collected from patients, but was also contractually required to pay a “shortfall” amount to the dental practice in the event the practice’s annual cash flow fell below a set target – a risk not usually born by a worker in an employment-like arrangement. This case illustrates how even individuals like former business owners who agree to perform services under complex contractual arrangements can potentially be entitled to SG contributions.


Not sure about your contractors?

Don’t wait for the ATO to come knocking. Contact us today for assistance in reviewing your contractor arrangements and ensure your business is protected.

“Ipso Facto” Escape Hatch Prohibited Under Insolvency Reforms

There was a time when, if a company got into financial difficulty the contracting party could terminate the contract, even if the company had been meeting all its obligations. The “ipso facto” clause was the contract’s device that allowed this termination to take place. A Latin term that means, rather unhelpfully, “by the fact itself”, the ipso facto clause acted like a trip switch in a fuse box that the contractor could flick at the occurrence of an insolvency event, pulling the plug on the contract and bringing an end to the business trading. Not so now.


As part of the sweeping insolvency reforms that came into operation on 1 July 2018, new legislation has prohibited ipso facto clauses that once provided for a contract to self-destruct in the event of insolvency.


An insolvency event can include voluntary administration, receivership and schemes of arrangement. These are all processes where the company is trying to work its way out of financial difficulty.


The activation of the clauses has been particularly prevalent in the construction industry where parties seek to withdraw the obligation to continue providing their services in what they consider to be a risky business environment.


Ipso facto and safe harbour share common purpose

The new ipso facto provisions and the safe harbour reforms (discussed in previous articles) share a common purpose – to discourage directors and contracting parties from bailing down the escape hatch, and to get them to keep trading.


This essence of the ipso facto reform, that only applies to contracts, agreements or arrangements entered into after 1 July 2018, is to provide for a “stay” against the enforcement of those ipso facto clauses.


In other words, any action taken by a party relying on that ipso facto clause to weasel its way out of a commitment to stay the distance of the contract, would be suspended to allow the company to continue trading for the benefit of its creditors and employees, until the administration ends or the company is wound up.


A contracting party can apply to the court for an order that a stay on enforcement rights be lifted if it is appropriate in the interests of justice or, in the case of a scheme of arrangement, if the scheme was not for the purpose of the company being wound up in insolvency.


The very positive side of the change for creditors and employees is that the company experiencing financial difficulty can continue to trade while it still meets its obligations under the contract – without the other party pulling the contractual rug from under its feet.


Help at a time of change

With all the changes taking place in insolvency, we can guide you through the opportunities provided by the complex reforms.

Director Identification Numbers Coming Soon

As a part of anti-phoenixing measures, the government is seeking to introduce a “director identification number” (DIN), a permanent and unique identifier to track directors’ relationships across companies. It will apply to any individual appointed as a director of registered body (ie a company, registered foreign company, registered Australian body, or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation) under the Corporations Act (or the CATSI Act).


Being a director of a company comes with many responsibilities, this could soon increase with a government proposal to introduce a “director identification number” (DIN), a unique identifier for each person who consents to being a director. The DIN will permanently be associated with a particular individual even if the directorship with a particular company ceases. Regulators will use the DIN to trace a director’s relationships across companies which will make investigating a director’s potential involvement in repeated unlawful activity easier.


Although this initiative was conceived as a part of the anti-phoenixing measures, the introduction of the DIN will also provide other benefits. For example, under the current system, only directors’ details are required to be lodged with ASIC and no verification of identify of directors are carried out. The DIN will improve data integrity and security, as well as improving efficiency in any insolvency process.


At this stage, it is proposed that any individual appointed as a director of a registered body (ie a company, registered foreign company, registered Australian body, or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation) under the Corporations Act (or the CATSI Act) must apply to the registrar for a DIN within 28 days from the date they are appointed.


Existing directors have 15 months to apply for DINs from the date the new requirement starts. Directors that fail to apply for a DIN within the applicable timeframe will be liable for civil and criminal penalties.


In addition to the penalties for failing to apply for a DIN, there are also civil and criminal penalties which apply to conduct that undermines the requirement. For example, criminal penalties apply for deliberately providing false identity information to the registrar, intentionally providing a false DIN to a government body or relevant body corporate, or internationally applying for multiple DINs.


The proposal initially applies only to appointed directors and acting alternate directors, it does not extend to de facto or shadow directors. However, the definition of “eligible officer” may be extended by regulation to any other officers of a registered body as appropriate. This will provide the flexibility to ensure the DIN’s effectiveness going forward. Just as the definition of eligible officer may be extended, the registrar also has the power to exempt an individual from being an eligible officer to avoid unintended consequences.


Recently, there have been cases in the media where individuals have unknowingly or unwittingly become directors of sham companies for various nefarious purposes. The DIN proposal inserts a defence for directors appointed without their knowledge, due to either identify theft or forgery. However, it notes that the defendant will carry the evidential burden to adduce or point to evidence that suggests a reasonable possibility that the defence exists, and once that’s done the prosecution bears the burden of proof. The government notes that the evidential burden has been reversed because it is significantly more costly for the prosecution to disprove than for the defence to establish.


Where to now?

Apart from ensuring that your identity is safe, we can help if you think you may inadvertently be a director of a company and no longer wish to be. Otherwise, if you’re the director and want to understand more about this potential change including the timeline, contact us today.

Will I Qualify For The Age Pension?


As we start to think about retirement, one of the first questions many of us ask is “Will I qualify for the Age Pension?” To help you understand your eligibility, we outline the basic thresholds that apply under the different means tests and what types of assets and income sources are included.


Knowing whether you’ll be entitled to the Age Pension is an important part of your retirement planning. Once you reach Age Pension age (66 years from 1 July 2019), you’ll also need to pass two tests: the assets test and income test. If your eligibility works out differently under the two tests, the less favourable result applies.


Assets test

If you own your own home, to qualify for the full pension your “assets” must not be worth more than $258,500 (for singles) or $387,500 (for couples). For non-homeowners, these limits are $465,500 and $594,500.Above these thresholds, you may qualify for a reduced pension. However, your entitlement to the pension ceases if your assets are worth more than $567,250 (for single homeowners) or $853,000 (for couples). For non-homeowners, these limits are $774,250 and $1,060,000.


So, what “assets” are included? All property holdings other than your principal home count, less any debt secured against the property.


There are also special rules for granny flat interests and retirement home contributions, so get advice before moving into these accommodation options.

Investments like shares, loans and term deposits or cash accounts all count, as do your share in any net assets of a business you run and part of the market value of assets in any private trusts or companies you’re considered to “control”.

And once you reach Age Pension age, your superannuation is also included. This includes your accumulation account and most income stream accounts.


How you structure your investments could make a big difference. Consider the following tips:

-Selling the family home can significantly impact your assets test position. For example, if you sell and put the proceeds into superannuation, that wealth will become subject to the assets test.

-Paying more off your home mortgage may improve your assets test position. For example, if you meet a condition of release you might consider withdrawing some superannuation benefits and using these to pay down your mortgage.

-Be careful when “gifting” away assets, including selling assets to your children below market value. The value of gifts in excess of $10,000 in a financial year, or $30,000 across five financial years, will count towards the test.


In any case, before changing your asset structure you should ask: does it make financial sense to rely on the Age Pension? You may be better off building investments that will generate a higher income for you in retirement.


Income test

If you earn up to $172 per fortnight as a single (or $304 as a couple), you can potentially receive the full pension. Above this, your pension entitlement will taper down before ceasing at income of $2,024.40 per fortnight for singles and $3,096.40 for couples. A “Work Bonus” allows pensioners to earn up to $250 from employment per fortnight without it affecting their pension.


The income test is broad and includes any gross amounts you earn from anywhere in the world. As well as your income from employment (above the Work Bonus) or business activities, the test also includes things like investment income (eg dividends, trust distributions and rental income), superannuation income streams and even a share of the income in any private trusts or companies you “control”.


Your income from certain financial assets is “deemed” at a certain rate. If your actual earnings from these investments exceed the deeming rate, the excess doesn’t count towards the income test. The deeming rules apply to assets like listed shares and managed investments, savings accounts and term deposits, and many superannuation accounts.


Plan for a secure retirement 

Contact us to start your retirement planning today. We’ll advise you on the most beneficial way to approach your income from superannuation, the Age Pension and other investments to help you achieve the best retirement outcome.

SMSFs Vs Other Types Of Funds: Some Issues To Consider


For many people, SMSFs are a great option for building retirement savings, but they may not be suitable for everyone. Before you jump in, make sure you understand the differences between SMSFs and other types of funds to help you make an informed decision.


Thinking about setting up an SMSF? In this first instalment of a two-part series, we explain some of the key differences between SMSFs and public offer funds. Understanding these differences can help you have a deeper discussion with your adviser.



While public offer funds are managed by professional licensed trustees, SMSFs are considerably different because management responsibility lies with the members. Every SMSF member must be a trustee of the fund (or, if the trustee is a company, a director of that company).

This is an advantage for those who want full control over how their superannuation is invested and managed. However, it also means the members are responsible for complying with all superannuation laws and regulations – and administrative penalties can apply for non-compliance. Being an SMSF trustee therefore means you need to be prepared to seek the right professional advice when required.


If you intend to move overseas for some time (eg for a job posting), an SMSF could be problematic because it may be hit with significant tax penalties if the “central management and control” moves outside Australia.



On the other hand, members of public offer funds can move overseas without risking these penalties because their fund continues to be managed by a professional Australian trustee.



Costs are a key factor for anyone considering their super options. Fees charged by public offer funds vary, but are generally charged as a percentage of the member’s account balance. Therefore, the higher your balance, the more fees you’ll pay. This is an important point to remember when weighing up a public offer fund against an SMSF.

SMSF costs tend to be more fixed. As well as establishment costs and an annual supervisory levy payable to the ATO, SMSFs must hire an independent auditor annually. Additionally, most SMSF trustees rely on some form of professional assistance, which may include accounting/taxation services, financial advice, administration services, actuarial certificates (in relation to pensions) and asset valuations.


These costs may be a more critical factor for those with modestly sized SMSFs. This year, a Productivity Commission inquiry found that larger SMSFs have consistently delivered higher net returns compared with smaller SMSFs, and that SMSFs with under $500,000 in assets have relatively high expense ratios (on average). The Commission’s report has attracted some criticism that it has overstated the true costs of running an SMSF, but in any case, anyone considering an SMSF needs to think carefully about the running costs involved and make an informed decision about whether an SMSF is right for them. For members with modest balances, an SMSF will often be more expensive than a public offer fund, but this needs to be weighed up against the other benefits of an SMSF.


Investment flexibility

A major benefit of an SMSF is that the member-trustees have full control over their investment choices. This means they can invest in specific assets, including direct property, that would not be possible in a public offer fund. For example, a business owner wishing to transfer their business premises into superannuation would need an SMSF to achieve this. SMSFs can also take advantage of gearing strategies by borrowing to buy property or even shares through a special “limited recourse” borrowing arrangement.

However, with control comes responsibility. SMSF trustees must create and regularly update an “investment strategy” that specifically addresses things like risk, liquidity and diversification. And of course, the SMSF’s investments must comply with all superannuation laws. In particular, transactions involving related parties (eg leases and acquisitions) can give rise to numerous compliance traps, so SMSF trustees must be prepared to seek advice when required.


Need help with your decision?

Contact our office to begin a discussion about whether an SMSF can help you achieve your retirement goals.

How Illegal Phoenixing Affects You

Every year, illegal phoenix activity costs the Australian economy billions of dollars not to mention the direct costs to businesses, employees, and the government. Just how much has been quantified by a recent report commissioned by three government agencies. Overall, the direct cost to businesses, employees, and the government has been calculated to around $2.85bn to $5.13bn, while the total impact to the Australia economy is around $1.8bn to $3.5bn in lost gross domestic product.


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, at the end of 2016-17 the number of businesses that ceased operating in Australia amounted to 261,450, an increase of 0.5% from the previous year. While most of these are likely to be honest commercial failures, after all, there are statistics that indicate that around 60% of Australian small businesses fail within the first 3 years, a percentage of these yearly failures may be attributable to illegal phoenixing.


Illegal phoenixing is the deliberate liquidation of a company to avoid liabilities while simultaneously commencing similar operations in another company or trading entity. This type of illegal activity leaves behind not only outstanding payment to tax authorities, but also unpaid creditors, unfulfilled customer orders and unpaid employee entitlements.


“[Illegal phoenixing] can occur in any industry or location. However illegal phoenix activity is particularly prevalent in major centres in building and construction, labour hire, payroll services, security services, cleaning, computer consulting, cafés and restaurants, and childcare services. [it is also seen] in regional Australia in mining, agriculture, horticulture and transport. There is an emerging trend in intermediaries who promote or facilitate illegal phoenix behaviour.”


To tackle this issue on a national level, the Inter-Agency Phoenix Taskforce has been established to identify, manage and monitor suspect illegal phoenix activity. This task has been made significantly easier with the development of the ATO Phoenix Risk Model (PRM) which allows for the identification of potential illegal phoenix population which can be more closely monitored by the taskforce. As at June 2018, the taskforce comprises of 29 government agencies including all State and Territory Revenue Offices.


A recent report commissioned by three Phoenix Taskforce member agencies (ATO, ASIC and the Fair Work Ombudsman) into the economic impacts of illegal phoenixing activity shows a sobering picture of how this illegal activity affects all of us, either directly, or through broader economic impacts:

-direct cost to businesses in the form of unpaid trade creditors is $1,162-$3,171m;
-direct cost to employees in the form of unpaid entitlements is $31-$298m;
-direct cost to the government in the form of unpaid taxes and compliance cost is $1,660m; and
-the net effect to the Australian economy is $1.8bn-$3.5bn lost gross domestic product.


As the figures show, illegal phoenix activity has deep financial impact on the Australian economy. Not to mention the costs unable to be captured by the report such as employee stress related to losing their jobs, discouragement effect on labour supply due to people not getting their full entitlements, increased social welfare burden through increased government support, and distortionary competition effects on lawful businesses.


How to protect yourself

As an employee, you should ensure that you receive a payslip and regularly review your entitlements and superannuation. As a business owner, look out for warning signs such as a company offering lower than market value quotes, or changes to a company name with the same management or staff. If you think you may be dealing with a company the is involved in illegal phoenixing, we can help with the due diligence before you enter into any business arrangements.


Working And Studying Part-Time: Can I Deduct My Course Fees?

If you’re working and also studying part-time in a work-related course of education, you may be able to deduct some expenses like tuition fees. However, to be eligible there must be a sufficient connection between the course and your current job. Make sure you understand the ATO’s criteria before making a claim.


Planning on going “back to school”? The costs can really add up, but the good news is that your course fees may be deductible if the course is sufficiently related to your current employment. In this first instalment of a two-part series, we explain when you can deduct your tuition fees for work-related education. Our second instalment will look at other expenses like textbooks, computers and travel.


What courses are eligible?

The first step is to work out whether the course you’re studying entitles you to claim self-education deductions. Not all courses you study while you’re working will be eligible.

Importantly, the course must lead to a formal qualification from a school, college, university or other educational institution. Courses offered by professional associations (as well as other work-related seminars, workshops and conferences) generally don’t come under “self-education” for tax return purposes, but these course fees will often be deductible as “other work-related expenses” in a separate part of your tax return. Your tax adviser can help you determine how to claim these.

Second, there must be a sufficient connection between your formal course of study and your current income-earning activities.

This means the course must either maintain or improve the skills or knowledge you need for your current employment, or result in (or be likely to result in) an increase in your income from your current employment.


Therefore, a course that directly enables you to:

-become more proficient in performing your current job;
-move up to a new pay scale; or
-be promoted to a higher-salary position with your current employer
is likely to be eligible.


However, the ATO says it’s not sufficient if a course is only generally related to your job, or if it will help you to get employment or get new employment. The ATO gives the following as examples of study that would not be eligible:

-An undergraduate student studying a course with the intention of working in that industry in future.
-A worker studying in order to change industries, or to get a new type of job within the same organisation.
-A professional like a general medical practitioner studying to become a specialist in a particular field of medicine.


When are course fees deductible?

If your course has the necessary connection to your current work as explained above, you can deduct course fees that are funded under the government’s “FEE-HELP” or “VET FEE-HELP” loan programs. However, you can’t deduct course fees funded under the “HECS-HELP” program.

You also can’t deduct any repayments you make under any government loan scheme. This is best illustrated by an example:Sarah is an employee who is also enrolled part-time in a course funded by a FEE-HELP loan. This course will help her improve skills needed in her current job. Her tuition fees for this financial year are $2,000. She can claim this $2,000 as a deduction in her tax return.

When she later makes repayments on her FEE-HELP loan (either compulsory or voluntary), those repayments will not be deductible.

If you’re paying course fees yourself without any government assistance, you can claim a deduction and you can also claim the interest expenses on any loan you’ve privately taken out to finance this (eg a bank loan).

In many cases, taxpayers are required to reduce their total claim for self-education expenses by $250. This depends on what other self-education expenses you incur in the financial year. Your tax adviser can perform the necessary calculations to finalise your claim.


Get it right before you claim

Tertiary course fees can involve some large deductions. Talk to us today for expert advice on your eligibility and to ensure your claim will stand up to ATO scrutiny.

Black Economy Taskforce: Who Could Be Included


In a bid to crack down on tax evasion, the Government has proposed to extend the taxable payment reporting system to two new high risk sectors identified by the Black Economy Taskforce: cleaning services and couriers. The Government cited the improved tax compliance in the building and construction industry as a model of what can be achieved in newly targeted sectors. We will keep you up to date with developments in this area as legislation is enacted.


The proposed new laws will require entities that provide courier or cleaning services to report to ATO details of transactions involving contractors. According to ATO guidance, contractors include sole traders (individuals), companies, partnerships, or trusts.


For couriers, the proposal captures any service where an entity collects goods (ie, packages, letters, food, flowers, or any other goods) and delivers them to another location.


The Government is hoping the imposition of additional compliance will encourage tax compliance, particularly in the food delivery market, which is gaining in popularity.


Similarly, cleaning services have also been broadly defined in the proposal to refer to any service where a structure, vehicle, place, surface, machinery or equipment has been subject to a process in which dirt or similar material has been removed from it.


What will you need to declare?

If you employ couriers or cleaners

Entities captured by this measure will need to lodge an annual report to the ATO detailing each contractor’s ABN, name, address, gross amount paid for the financial year (including GST) and the total GST included in the gross amount that was paid. If this applies to you and you employ couriers or cleaners you may also be required to provide additional information, such as the contractor’s phone number, email address and bank account details. In essence, companies such as deliveroo, ubereats, foodora, as well as a host of other players, could face the increased compliance costs of having to lodge hundreds, if not thousands, of these reports to the ATO each year.


If you contract as a courier or cleaner

If you are a courier or a cleaner (and you provide contract services), the data collected about you will be used in data-matching programs to ensure that all of your income is reported correctly to the ATO. If you are contracted to a delivery company or a cleaning company you will need to keep careful records of what you are being paid. This is particularly important if you only work for these companies on an occasional or part-time basis.


How about the timing?

Should this proposal pass as law, the first annual report will be for the 2018–2019 financial year.


What to do next

Any relevant business that is required to report will need to collect relevant information from 1 July 2018, with the report due by 28 August 2019. Information from the reports (which will be data matched with information provided by contractors) will apply on tax returns for the 2018–2019 income year. Speak to us if you think this could be relevant to you.

Reverse Mortgage Lending And Retirement

Since the global financial crisis, demand for reverse mortgages have grown steadily. It allows older individuals, perhaps retirees, to unlock the equity in their homes while they continue to live in the property. However, reverse mortgages may not be all it’s cracked up to be. A recent review by ASIC found that borrowers had a poor understanding of the risks and future costs of their loan, inadequately documented long-term financial objectives, and lack of protection for non-borrowers who live in the property. When it comes to reverse mortgages, it may be a case of buyer beware.


Reverse mortgages are a credit product that allows older individuals to achieve their immediate financial goals by using the equity in their home to borrow amounts. The loan typically does not need to be repaid until a later time (ie when the borrower has vacated the property or has passed away). For older individuals who own their home but few other assets, the advantage of reverse mortgages is that it allows them to draw on the wealth locked up in their homes while they continue to live in the property. As good as it sounds, reverse mortgages may not be all it’s cracked up to be.


ASIC recently reviewed data on 17,000 reverse mortgages, 111 consumer loan files, lender policies, procedures and complaints, along with in-depth interviews with 30 borrowers and 30 industry and consumer stakeholders. The review evaluated the effectiveness of enhanced responsible lending obligations and examined 5 brands who collectively lent 99% of the dollar value of approved reverse mortgage loans from 2013 to 2017.


The average size of a reverse mortgage loan was found to be around $118,627 with an average home value of $632,598 (average loan-to-value ratio 26%). Borrowers typically took out reverse mortgages to pay for daily expenses, bills and debts, home improvements and car expenses. Unlike other loans, reverse mortgage borrowers had limited choices due to a lack of competition, with 2 credit licensees writing 80% of the dollar value of new loans from 2013 to 2017.


The review also found that borrowers had a poor understanding of the risks and future costs of their loan, and generally failed to consider how their loan could impact their ability to afford their possible future needs. In addition, it found reverse mortgages were a more expensive form of credit compared to standard variable owner occupier home loans with the interest rates typically being 2% higher and as no repayments are required, the interest compounds.


According to ASIC, lenders have a clear role to play and in nearly all the loan files reviewed, the borrower’s long-term needs or financial objectives were not adequately documented. 


This is important as borrowers can never owe the bank more than the value of their property, however, depending on when a borrower obtains their loan, how much they borrow, and economic conditions (eg property prices and interest rates), they may not have enough equity remaining in the home for longer term needs such as aged care.


The other concerning finding by ASIC is that some reverse mortgages may not protect other residents in the home. For example, if a borrower vacates the property or passes away, the borrower or their estate can often only afford to pay off the loan balance of a reverse mortgage by selling the property. This can require non-borrowers still living in the home (ie a spouse, relative, or adult children) to move out unless the contract contains a “tenancy protection” provision allowing them to remain in the home for a period of time.


Only one lender in the review offered a limited option to include a tenancy protection provision in their loan contract which lasted for one year after the death of the borrower with certain conditions. Other lenders in the review would only protect non-borrower residents if they added their name to the loan contract. ASIC notes that under enhanced consumer protections, lenders must give potential borrowers a prescribed tenancy protection warning, which did not occur in a majority of the cases.


Thinking of getting a reverse mortgage?

If you think a reverse mortgage would suit your retirement needs, come and speak to us today to ensure that you get the full picture before you sign up to anything. We can help you understand all the terms and protections to make the most out of your retirement.